What We Believe


 We affirm the love and presence of God in each life and in the world, and we seek to learn and live by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. We are an open and affirming congregation, welcoming everyone without regard to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social position or disability. We celebrate our diversity and practice the belief that God loves and welcomes all…and “All Means All!”

​Becoming a member in our community involves making a profession of Jesus as the Messiah and being baptized if you have not done so. For those who have already been baptized, it is not necessary to do it again. Simply let the Pastor know and records are transferred if available. We welcome you to visit us any time and for any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the church office.​ 

For more information about our covenant with the larger community of faith with which we are partnered, visit the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Northern California-Nevada at ccncn.org.  

​​​​​​​​​​First Christian Church of Redding