
Worship is where we remind ourselves who we are and whose we are while prompting us to respond with gratitude to what God has done in our lives. Recognizing our brokenness, we find hope, healing and wholeness through being in worship with a community of friends (new and old). In our tradition, the Lord’s Supper is essential to our worship service as an act of thanksgiving, praise, confession, and reconciliation. All are welcome at God’s Table. Our 9:30 a.m. service is our larger gathering. It includes scripture/sermon, hymns/praise songs, liturgy, choir anthem, prayer, children’s moment, and communion. Child care is available for this 75-minute service. Our 11:15 a.m. service is a smaller, more informal type of worship with praise songs, prayer, communion, participatory scripture reading, and conversational message (children often stay with parents in this 45-minute service).

Our sanctuary décor changes with respect to the seasons of the church and calendar year. We celebrate what are called “liturgical seasons” which simply means the different times of the church year, such as Advent (4 Sundays as we get ready to celebrate Christmas; sanctuary colors – purple/blue), Epiphany (6-9 Sundays after Christmas as we celebrate God’s Light; sanctuary colors – white or green) Lent (6 Sundays preparing for Holy Week & Easter; purple); Easter season (7 Sundays after Easter celebrating resurrection; white) and Pentecost (26 Sundays after Pentecost, the celebration of the birth of the universal church; red or green). We also reserve the right to mix things up a bit as the creative Holy Spirit inspires and leads us to visually connect with the various needs of our community. We hope you enjoy the “vision.”

​​​​​​​​​​First Christian Church of Redding